Challenge category:
Binary Exploitation Cryptography Forensics Miscellaneous Networks Radio Frequency Reverse Engineering Web Exploitation Welcome
Sanity Check
50 Points

Welcome to IrisCTF 2023! Whether this is your 1st or 100th CTF, we want you to have a fun and pleasant experience. Maybe you can even learn something new!

Here's a freebie to introduce you to what the flag format looks like: irisctf{w31c0m3_t0_1r15ctf_2023} . Flags will follow this format unless otherwise specified.

By: skat
50 Points

If you need help with a challenge, the only way to connect with us is through our Discord. Joining our Discord will also give you updates about a challenge and updates about the event.

Join our Discord and find the flag.

By: skat
Exit Survey
50 Points

Thanks for being a part of IrisCTF 2023! This was IrisSec's first-ever hosted CTF event and everyone this weekend has been a big part of our organization's history. Let us know how we did. Please take our survey and submit the flag at the end.

By: skat